Thursday, April 5, 2012

Viva Las Vegas?

We made it to Las Vegas. Our hotel, the Gold Spike is alright, I didn't feel unsafe wandering around it. Joey got a kick out of some of the people. Due to our late arrival there was not a lot of opportunity to take photos but we got a few near the Death Valley Nut and Candy Company and a few in our room.

Thankfully the drive into Las Vegas was uneventful except for the fact that to locals a speedlimt of 55 means 55 mph OVER the posted speedlimit and passing on the right at 90 is perfectly acceptable.

We ate dinner at the "Golden Grill" for dinner. It was Decent, Joey had the steak and shrimp and I had the chicken fried steak. We both left happy.

I'm tired and tomorrow we drive to Albuquerque, NM. Goodnight all.

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